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My boyfriend and I have always loved to travel. It is something I truly think our love grew on.

We talked about creating a blog together for all of our adventures. We also tossed around creating a vlog. The sweet thing about us is we both love to document our adventures. In a way, we compete because who doesn't love a little competition? We both create a video and link it to music and see who's post turns out better. With that, we are documenting the little things of each trip. We spared time without phones but I love looking back on our little moments.

We try to do one trip a month whether it's a day trip or a weekend, we love to explore new cities and towns. I cannot wait to share with you the little tips and tricks we have acquired over the years.

When planning a trip, we like to incorporate a little bit of everything. We enjoy seeing many different places and enjoy local spots the most! Maybe it's just me but I find that the local favorites are the best. Both of us being very social, we always meet new people out who give great recommendations.

If you are not as social as we can be, Google will be your best friend! We use google maps to find which areas we want to eat and drink in. We both have gluten allergies but always find good + safe places using the Find Me Gluten Free mobile app.

The Find Me Gluten Free mobile app has been a lifesaver since my celiac diagnosis. It has saved me from many sick days after meals out. You can find restaurants by category i.e pizza, Italian, breakfast, lunch etc. You can also bookmark businesses to easily find at a later date. I always advise looking through the reviews of what other people think as well as the ratings. You have menus at your fingertips to lessen conversation with the restaurant that may not be entirely educated on your specific allergy. You can just look for yourself!


I always make sure to research the area. We first look for the places we want to visit. That's the best way to figure out where you want to stay. We like to be close to the places we want to go to as we enjoy walking if possible. Exploring on foot is a good way to check out different places that we didn't look into ahead of time but also a way to save money.

I would definitely advise looking into costs and such beforehand so you know how much to budget for the trip. Last month, we went to Boston and decided to take the subway in the city. It was a great and decently priced way to see normal Boston life. We saw so many different people in their normal day-to-day. There is something about seeing people in their everyday life that is so interesting to me. Hearing different conversations and people who are not worried about what someone else is doing and are entirely in their own world--is extraordinary.

Over the years, I have grown to know that I love to learn. Not like your typical school learning where you are forced to learn about subjects that don't always spark your interest. I love to learn about the little things, the things nobody seems to notice. I like to learn about people and perspectives that could mask the way I think. I like diving into a book I enjoy, listening to a Ted Talk that will stunt my perspective, I like sitting in the bleacher row at my church learning more about my purpose and why God brought me to church that day. I have an infatuation with learning and sharing my experience on how I am growing into a better me everyday.

Once you find the areas you want to go to, figure out where you want to stay! We use sites like Priceline, Expedia, Airbnb, Hopper to find the best deals on hotels and rental spaces. We find the best luck on Priceline. We like to spend more on the experience such as restaurants and activities rather than the place we are sleeping but maybe that's just us!

We often research local Instagram accounts or other bloggers for spots to check out. I am sure we look like tourists but we always want to make the most of our trip even if we are there for a short amount of time. Instagram is how I found this beauty of a book shop in Boston, MA.

** Brattle Book Shop in Boston, MA is one of the largest and oldest book shops in America


Make sure to dress accordingly. Look at the predicted weather for the days you will be on your trip. Even if it's a day-trip you can always bring a duffle with a change of clothes. We often visit places in all seasons so we make sure to have the right clothes whether we are hiking or driving in the car for long hours. It is important to be comfortable but also be able to look nice for the occasion as we love to take lots of pictures and videos.


Set aside time to explore the city without having somewhere to be. Picture yourself there in everyday life. This is how we have the best time. We always make an itinerary but save some time to just explore. There is something about having nothing to get ready for, nothing to do that is so relaxing.

I hope you enjoyed my tips and tricks. More to come on specific trips we've taken and the thought process behind those specifically.

Thank you for reading my words as I accept + learn to love the little things ♡


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